Safe Non-Conductive
Conductive Metal Enclosures

Comparison PHOTOS of competitors metallic housed circuit breakers/automatic fuses VS nonconductive Snap Action, Inc. approved plastic polymer conductive housed circuit breakers/ automatic fuses.

This photo displays several metal enclosed circuit breakers/fuse replacements. The automotive industry recently has requested the elimination of metal, conductive and potentially dangerous enclosed circuit breakers. These products need to be replaced with nonconductive plastic resin. Reason being, if conductive internal components bridge live internal members could short to housing. The housing which should be isolated, would also become current carrying which could result in obvious potential danger.

THIS Photo displays a number of Snap Action, Inc circuit breaker models. All contain fully nonconductive UL approved 94VO fire resistant plastic resin enclosures required by most vehicle manufacturers. The insulated housing eliminates any possibility of dangerous shorting of live parts to housing potentially evident in the metallic enclosed competitive versions.